If you wish to enter cattle into any of our Society Sales, a number of criteria must be met. Please read this page in its entirety to ensure your animals will be eligible for entry.
Please note that the sales at Stirling in February and October have additional entry requirements.
Before the Sale
- All animals born on or after 1 March 2024 must be at least birth notified within 27-days from the date of birth, and failure to do so will exclude that animal from being eligible to enter all Society sales. All other sale conditions and registration rules remain unchanged.
- Any Charolais bull entered into a Society Sale must be at least 13 calendar months of age on the day of the sale.
For Stirling sales in February and October, this is increased to 14 calendar months. - All Charolais cattle (bulls, females, calves at foot) must be at least sire-verified via DNA analysis, and tested for both the F94L and Q204X myostatin genes (see DNA Instructions).
DNA analysis must be either complete, or already in progress at the lab, before entry into the sale can be accepted. Please note that DNA samples submitted to the Society for storage (i.e. Pending samples) are not considered to be in progress; the Society must receive a request to process the sample before entry to sales can be permitted. - All Charolais cattle over 12 months of age (at the time of the sale) and entered into a Society Sale must be fully BVD vaccinated (with guidance from your vet and following up-to-date vaccine manufacturer’s instructions.) Cattle under 12 months of age may not require vaccination if the mother was vaccinated as per the vaccine manufacturers’ instructions (see BVD Vaccinations).
- A completed Herd Health Declaration form (HHD) must be returned to the Society at the time of entry submission (see Herd Health Declaration Form).
Stirling Sales – February and October
- All Charolais vendors taking part must be members of a CHeCS approved Health Scheme.
- These sales are exclusive to ABRI BREEDPLAN recorded Charolais bulls which must (as a minimum requirement) be recorded for birth weight, 200 & 400 day weights, scrotal circumference and be independently ultrasound scanned on at least one occasion.
At the Sale
- All cattle entered into a Society Sale will be subject to inspection by a Society Inspector on the day of the sale. This inspection will include a minimum weight-for-age guide (see Pre-Sale Checks).
- There is a minimum upset price of 3,000gns per bull at regional sales and 4,000gns at Stirling Bull Sales in February & October and the Carlisle sale in May.
- Where semen is taken from a bull prior to it being sold, this fact must be declared at the time of sale and entered into the sale catalogue, together with details of the number of straws taken and its intended use. A card containing these same details must be prominently displayed in the bull pen at the sale venue.
- Where embryos have been taken from a female prior to it being sold, this fact must be declared at time of sale and entered into the sale catalogue, together with details of the number of embryos, service sire used and whether the embryos have been frozen or transplanted. A card containing these details must be prominently displayed in the cattle pen at the sale venue.