File requirements
Quarter Page Horizontal 90mm (w) X 135mm (h) (no bleed)
Half Page Horizontal 186mm (w) x 134mm (h) (no bleed)
Full Page 186mm (w) x 273mm (h) (no bleed)
Inside Front cover/Inside Back cover and Back Cover only 210mm (w) x 297mm (h) (+3mm bleed) Type area 186mm x 273mm
Double Page Spread 420mm (w) 297mm (h) (+3mm bleed) Type area 400mm x 273mm
Please ensure all double page spreads and full page adverts that bleed, contain 3mm bleed around each side of the advert. Also please ensure all text is kept with the type area specified.
Full colour adverts must be created using CMYK colour mode at a minimum of 300dpi. Please make sure any spot colours are converted to process CMYK.