The Swedish Mila exhibition was held on 16-18 February. This exhibition is a small local farm exhibition including national shows for both dairy and beef cattle. Around 60 heifers and bulls participated in the beef cattle show with entries from the Angus, Blonde d’Aquitaine, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin and Simmental breeds.
The male champion, supreme champion and Interbreed best male was the two-year-old 2944 Lee of Simontorp. Lee is a son of the Norweigan bull Grieg of Dillerud with grandsire the British bred Cockerington Urchin. Lee got the impressive show weight of 1304 kg at only 25.5 months of age! The judges pointed out the excellent performance, muscularity but also that he had managed to keep a functional body after this impressive growth.
Swedish Charolais commented, “Their market leadership showed that functional traits and performance can be combined to a produce the complete beef cattle package. You can see this for yourself at the Charolais world congress in July 2018 in Sweden.”
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