July 22, 2015 Council of Management 2015/16

Cyril Millar was elected the British Charolais Cattle Society President at the Annual General Meeting.  Adding his congratulations is the BCCS Chairman Steven Nesbitt

Cyril Millar was elected the British Charolais Cattle Society President at the Annual General Meeting. Adding his congratulations is the BCCS Chairman Steven Nesbitt

David Connolly joined the BCCS Council of Management to represent Northern Ireland

David Connolly joined the BCCS Council of Management to represent Northern Ireland

Colin Wight a newly elected Council member for Scotland

Colin Wight a newly elected Council member for Scotland


President (ex Officio)
Mr C M Millar
, Neptune House, Glenleary, Coleraine, Co Londonderry, N Ireland BT51 3QY Tel: 02870 342919


Mr S J Nesbitt, Alwent Hall, Winston, Darlington, Co Durham DL2 3QH Tel: 07979 593170 nesbitt@realemail.co.uk

Vice Chairman
Mr A B Hornall, Falleninch Farm, Stirling, Stirlingshire FK8 3AB Tel: 01786 473674/07860 516835 email@ andrew@falleninchcharolais.com

Mr G C Robinson, Stockhill Lodge, Elton, Peterborough, Cambs PE8 6SJ Tel: 07860 765338 gcrobinson1961@gmail.com

Northern England
 Mr C Curry, Low Burradon, Thropton, Morpeth, Northumberland NE65 7HG Tel: 01669 630266/07917 731531 chris@ccurry4.wanadoo.co.uk
Mr A Sellick, 17 Rensherds Place, High Legh, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 6NG Tel: 07876 306310 andrew_sellick@yahoo.co.uk

Northern Ireland
Mr D Connolly, Brigadoon, 25 Creevyargon Road, Ballynahinch, Co Down, N Ireland BT24 8YG Tel: 07920 599422 brigadoondave@hotmail.com
Mr S McGovern, 59 Fintona Road, Clogher, Co Tyrone, N Ireland BT76 0UT  Tel: 028 855 48230/07968 623494

Mr W G Roberts, Parc, Llangadfan, Welshpool, Powys SY21 0PJ Tel: 01938 820210/07717 571940garethparc@aol.com
Mr KJ Thomas Llechwedd, Capel Iwan, Castlenewydd Emlyn, Carmarthenshire SA38 9NW Tel:01559 371589/07974 653002 email: wendy@kevinthomas.org.uk

Southern England
Mr R J Kimber Beanhill Farm, Christian Malford, Chippenham, Wilts SN15 4BS Tel: 01249 720672/07778 307969  jameskimber80@gmail.com
Mr Wm F Palmer, Trenestral Farm, Ruan Highlanes, Truro, Cornwall TR2 5CX Tel: 01872 501259enquiries@trenestralfarm.co.uk
Mr G C Robinson, Stockhill Lodge, Elton, Peterborough, Cambs PE8 6SJ Tel: 07860 765338 gcrobinson1961@gmail.com

Mr A B Hornall, Falleninch Farm, Stirling, Stirlingshire FK8 3AB Tel: 01786 473674/07860 516835 email@ andrew@falleninchcharolais.com
Mr R A Milne, Kennies Hillock, Lhanbryde, Elgin, Morayshire IV30 3LJ Tel: 01343 842655/07974 971242jamesmin@btconnect.com
Mr C J Wight, Carwood Farm, Biggar, Lanarkshire ML12 6LX Tel: 01899 220564 c.wight@carwoodfarm.com

Mr J McGrath, Drumconnis, Dromore, Omagh, Co Tyrone, N Ireland BT78 3AE Tel: 028 8289 8692/07771 987669 johnmcgrath2@yahoo.co.uk
Mr J W Millar, Lochend Farm, Port of Menteith, Stirling FK8 3JZ Tel: 01877 385235/07719 524595 email:lochendcharolais@hotmail.com
Mr R A Owen, Tynewydd, Garthbeibio, Foel, Welshpool , Powys SY21 ONR Tel: 01938 820214/07971 118547 email: arwel.owen@genusplc.com

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