Charolais peaked at 7,800gns and met a solid demand from a packed ringside in Carlisle on Saturday 12 May when Rupert Taylor dispersed his Rumsden herd.
Charolais cattle were in great demand by the packed ringside who had assembled for the dispersal of the Rumsden herd with bids peaking at 7,800gns following the official Society sale of bulls.
Leading the dispersal was a cow and calf unit selling for 7,800gns. Rumsden Delta, a four year old by Okapibb and out of a home-bred cow went home with Backmuir Trading, Keith, Banffshire, whilst her 15 month old bull calf Rumsden Gromit TI +44, SRI +35, by Rumsden Cruiserweight went to D Story, Canonbie, Dumfriesshire. Delta was sold in calf to the 15,500gns Clonoulty Andraemon.
Three year old Rumsden Dice and her five month old heifer calf, Rumsden Gamer by Rumsden Cruiserweight were knocked down sold to J R Webb, Billesdon, Leicestershire for 6,200gns. Dice was by Sang-d’or and out of a home-bred dam.
Two lots sold for 6,000gns. First came Rumsden Dosca, a three year old with her nine month old bull calf, Rumsden Godzilla by Oscar, at foot selling to A J B Forrest, Biggar, Lanarkshire. Dosca was also in calf to Cruiserweight.
Rumsden Avalon and her 12 month old heifer calf Rumsden Guinevere were secured for 6,000gns. Avalon, a seven year old by Doonally New and out of a home-bred cow was also in calf to Cruiserweight and was purchased by W Short, Omagh, County Tyrone. Her calf, by Moyness Vaubon, went home with I N and A Hollinsheard, Crewe, Cheshire.
A call of 5,200gns was made twice. First came Rumsden Fameuse ET, a two year old by Andraemon and out of a home-bred dam, secured by A Wood, Forest in Teesdale, County Durham. The same buyer also took home Rumsden Badiane, a six year old as part of a cow and calf unit that sold for 4,700gns. Badiane was by Victorieux and out of Tiberiade, having been imported from France as a calf, whilst her calf Rumsden Goodwood, by Moyness Vaubon, went home with J C Thornton and Son, Ravenglass, Cumbria.
Rumsden Gigi, a 16 month old by the 55,000gns Thrunton Voldemort and out of a home-bred cow, was purchased by D J Heard, Okehampton, Devon for 5,200gns.
Stock bull Rumsden Cruiserweight, a five year old by Roundhill Rocky and out of a home-bred dam was purchased by J G Milburn and Sons, Hexham, Northumberland for 5,000gns.
Two lots were knocked down sold at 4,800gns. First through the ring was Graywood Ebony ET, a three year old with her four month old bull calf, Rumsden Henry by Cruiserweight, at foot. Ebony, by Dingle Hofmeister and out of a home-bred cow, had been running back with Cruiserweight and was secured by a bid from A and G E Redhead, Bowsden, Berwick upon Tweed.
Also sold for 4,800gns was Rumsden Edelweiss, a two year old and 2010 supreme champion at the South East Calf Show. Edelweiss, by Cruiserweight and out of a home-bred dam, had been AI’d to Andraemon and was purchased by B J Mould, Dunston, Stafford.
Rumsden Balalaika and her seven month old heifer calf, Rumsden Gamelan, were knocked down sold at 4,600gns to G G and C B Morris, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire. Balalaika, by Maerdy Padirac and out of Tzigane, was imported from France as a calf, whilst Gamelan was by the 8,000gns Harestone Count. The same buyers also made a call of 4,500gns for Bevern Blanche, a six year old by Doonally New and out of Bevern Rosalind, and her eight month old calf Rumsden Geelong, also by Count.
Averages: 20 cows with calves at foot, £4,825; six in calf cows, £3,010; three in calf heifers, £4,025; 11 maiden heifers, £3,140; one bull, £5,250.
Categories: Carlisle Sales, News, Sales
Top call of 4,000gns for Charolais at Welshpool Multi Breed » « Charolais champion sold for 20,000gns at Carlisle; 102 bulls sold for a record average of £5,147 up £503 on 2011